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How to update your mass times
Written by Mariana Munoz
Updated over a week ago

Have your mass times changed? Here’s how to edit them so your parishioners have the latest information.

  1. On the Tabella app, click on “Communities”

  2. Select your community and go to “Manage”

  3. Click on “Times”, where you’ll be taken to a screen that says “Edit times”

  4. Under “Agenda Title”, enter the name of the event you want to add times for. For example, if you’re adding mass times, enter “Mass.”

Under day, enter the day you’re adding times for. Under schedule, you’ll want to add the time.

If you have more hours to add for that day, add an additional box by clicking “Add Schedule”.

If you wish to add more days to your event, click on “Add time”, which will give you more boxes to enter information for a new day.

To add another event, such as Confessions, you may do so by starting a new “Agenda Title” entry below the one you just entered.

To save the changes, click “Save Changes”.

That’s it! If you go back to your parish profile, you’ll see your new times reflected under “Times.”

Note: This feature is currently only available via app.

Just needing to update one time? The first time you edit the times yourself, the system will ask you to enter all the information from scratch. This is because the system detects you want to use new information instead of the one that already exists.

But once you enter the information, if later on you want to edit what you entered, it won't have you start over.

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